Sindh Increases Minimum Monthly Wages for Skilled and Unskilled Workers

The Minimum Wages Board Sindh has revised upward the wages of factory workers in the province.

In a statement, Sindh Minimum Wages Board Chairman Zulfiqar Ali Nizamani said that the minimum monthly wage of skilled factory workers in Sindh will be Rs. 33,280. Similarly, the minimum monthly wage of unskilled workers will be Rs. 32,000. The minimum wages will be applicable from July 1, 2023.

The chairman further pointed out that owners of factories are bound to pay the officially notified minimum wages to workers. He added that any objections against the decision can be submitted within two weeks.

Nizamani warned that in case the notified minimum wages are not paid to workers, action will be taken against factory owners.

Back in July, the then Labor and Human Resources Minister Saeed Ghani announced that the minimum monthly wage for laborers in Sindh is expected to be between Rs. 32,000 and Rs. 35,000.

Ghani recognized that low-income and middle-income families have been most affected by the rising prices of essential goods. The province’s minimum wage board is working on recommendations to raise the minimum monthly wage this year, said at the time. It is pertinent to mention here that Sindh was the first province to raise the minimum monthly wage to Rs. 25,000 two years ago.

Source: Pro Pakistani