Mumbai: A tragic incident in Maharashtra’s Kalyan area has underscored an alarming trend, as a 13-year-old student committed suicide due to alleged harassment by his art teacher and classmates. The boy, a Class 8 student, left behind a note detailing the mental pressure that led to his decision.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the student was discovered deceased at his home by family members. The police recovered a suicide note at the scene, where the young boy explicitly cited harassment from his teacher and peers as the reason for his actions. He was enrolled at Kalyan East Ideal School, although the school was not mentioned in his note.
This case adds to a growing number of student suicides across India, a country that now has one of the highest rates of such tragedies worldwide. Experts point to increasing academic demands, bullying, and a lack of sufficient mental health support as critical factors contributing to this disturbing trend.
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