High Court in Jammu and Kashmir Overturns Detention of Two Youths Under Public Safety Act

Srinagar, The High Court of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir has overturned the detention of two young men who were held under the controversial Public Safety Act (PSA), ordering their immediate release. The court ruled that the detentions were based on vague allegations, failing to meet legal standards.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Justice Rajesh Sekhri presided over the case of Tariq Ahmad Napa, whose detention order issued on September 15, 2022, by the District Magistrate of Baramulla was found legally unsound due to the lack of clear allegations. “As a result, detainee, namely, Tariq Ahmad Napa is directed to be released from the custody,� stated Justice Sekhri in his ruling.

In a separate but related case, Justice MA Chowdhary addressed the detention of Suhail Ahmad Shah, detained since June 27, 2022, under an order from the District Magistrate of Srinagar. The judge noted that the grounds for Shah’s detention were vague and seemed primarily aimed at restricting his freedom. The order for Shah’s release was issued, with instructions for the Jail Superintendent of Central Jail, Jammu, to ensure compliance.

These cases highlight ongoing concerns about the application of the PSA, a law that has been criticized both locally and internationally for its potential to suppress civil liberties under the guise of maintaining public order. The rulings from the High Court have been seen as a significant affirmation of judicial oversight in cases where liberties are curtailed by administrative orders.